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博碩士論文 etd-0720123-230336 詳細資訊
Title page for etd-0720123-230336
轉診政策態度與轉診資訊系統應用對家庭醫師轉診成效之影響— 以某醫學中心試辦家庭醫師整合照護計畫為例
Influence of Referral Policy Attitudes and Information System Application on Family Physician Referral Effectiveness: A Case Study of a Medical Center's Integrated Care Program.
Year, semester
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Advisory Committee
Date of Exam
Date of Submission
Referral, Referral system, Referral information system, Family physicians, Referral effectiveness
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This study aims to explore the acceptance and recognition of the current referral system and electronic referral information platform among family physicians. The opinions of primary care physicians collaborating with a medical center in the southern region were collected through a structured questionnaire survey. The survey analyzed the views of family physicians on the referral system, their level of acceptance of current measures, and their acceptance of the electronic referral information platform. Additionally, the study investigated how individual traits and professional status of family physicians influence their considerations and effectiveness regarding referrals.
The survey was conducted among primary care physicians who had a referral partnership with the medical center in the southern region, specifically in the areas of Kaohsiung, Pingtung, and Tainan, and they were asked to complete the questionnaire through mail or online. A total of 300 questionnaires were distributed, and 117 valid responses were received, resulting in a response rate of 39%. The questionnaire data were analyzed using SPSS/24.0 statistical software to ensure the anonymity and privacy of the participants. Among the respondents, 41.0% were contracted family physicians with the medical center in the southern region, and 78.6% were male. Furthermore, 59.0% of the respondents operated their own medical practice.
The results of this study indicate that, after controlling for other variables, family physicians' attitudes towards the referral policy and the application of the referral information system do not significantly affect the referral volume in their clinics. However, it is worth noting that the current direction of promoting the referral policy and the design principle of sharing medical resources in the referral information system have been widely accepted and recognized by family physicians. Furthermore, family physicians who have joined the medical center's integrated care program through contracts show significantly improved referral rates to the medical center, proactive tracking rates after referrals, and patient return rates compared to physicians who have not joined such contracts. This suggests that strengthening the cooperation between medical institutions and enhancing inter-institutional trust have a significant impact on promoting referrals. The findings of this study provide insights into improving the effectiveness of referrals and the future development of the referral platform. Subsequent researchers can focus on exploring other potential factors that may influence the effectiveness of referrals, such as physician communication skills, patient acceptance of referrals, health insurance payment policies, and more, to conduct a more comprehensive study on the impact and benefits of these factors.
目次 Table of Contents
論文審定書 i
誌謝 ii
中文摘要 iii
Abstract iv
目錄 vi
圖目錄 ix
表目錄 x
第一章、 緒論 1
第一節、 研究背景 1
第二節、 研究動機 2
第三節、 研究目的 4
第二章、 文獻探討 5
第一節、 轉診制度介紹 5
第二節、 轉診工具 6
第三節、 轉診成效 7
第四節、 影響轉診因素 8
2.4.1. 轉診意願端 8
2.4.2. 政策誘因面 11
2.4.3. 資訊揭露面 12
2.4.4. 民眾需求面 13
2.4.5. 轉診接收端 14
第五節、 文獻探討總結 16
第三章、 研究方法與假說 17
第一節、 研究架構與假說 17
3.1.1. 研究架構 17
3.1.2. 研究假說 18
第二節、 研究變項 20
第三節、 研究對象與資料來源 23
第四節、 問卷設計 24
第五節、 問卷性效度分析 29
第六節、 問卷性效度分析 30
第七節、 資料處理與分析方法 31
3.7.1. 描述性統計分析 31
3.7.2. 信度分析 31
3.7.3. 獨立樣本T檢定(Student ‘s t-test) 31
3.7.4. 單因子變異數分析(ANOVA) 32
3.7.5. 斯皮爾曼等級相關係數分析(Spearman Correlation Analysis) 32
3.7.6. 迴歸分析 32
第四章、 研究結果 35
第一節、 研究對象之敘述性統計資料分析 35
第二節、 個人特質及執業狀況與轉診政策認同度之關係 44
第三節、 個人特質及執業狀況與轉診資訊系統使用之關係 47
第四節、 影響轉診成效之因素探討 50
第五節、 合約身分對轉診之影響性探討 52
第五章、 研究討論 61
第一節、 研究分析結果 61
第二節、 研究結果應用 68
第三節、 研究限制 69
5.3.1. 問卷收集限制 69
5.3.2. 採樣對象分佈 69
5.3.3. 選擇其他研究 69
5.3.4. 統計分析 69
第六章、 研究結論與建議 71
第一節、 結論 71
第二節、 研究建議 73
6.2.1. 問卷收集量偏低之建議 73
6.2.2. 採樣對象分佈之建議 73
6.2.3. 選擇其他研究變項 73
第七章、 參考文獻 74
第一節、 中文文獻 74
第二節、 英文文獻 78
第八章、 附錄 79
第一節、 專家效度問卷 79
第二節、 正式問卷 83

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