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Exploring the impact of IT identity on employees' in-role and extra-role behaviors: the moderating effect of organizational identity and role identity
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IT identity, Organizational identity, Role identity, In-role behavior, Extra-role behavior, Fit
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近年許多學者關注於資訊科技認同(IT identity)為組織帶來的影響,但是多數研究僅關注於資訊科技認同對於員工角色內行為進行探討,缺乏資訊科技認同與員工角色外行為的探討。此外,若資訊科技認同在組織導入或採用新科技的狀況中扮演著重要角色,那麼若能夠了解如何放大資訊科技認同對於員工角色內與角色外行為就是非常重要的一件事情。
In recent years, various organizational transformations driven by digital technologies have had a significant impact on businesses. The introduction or adoption of digital technologies often forces employees to change their work habits, leading to resistance and reluctance to accept change, ultimately affecting their job performance. Consequently, organizations frequently contemplate how to minimize such occurrences during times of change. Previous research has indicated that enhancing employees' in-role behavior and extra-role behavior can help mitigate the negative effects of organizational change.
In recent years, scholars have focused on the impact of Information Technology Identity (IT identity) on organizations. However, most studies have primarily examined the influence of IT identity on employees' in-role behavior, while neglecting the exploration of its relationship with employees' extra-role behavior. Furthermore, if IT identity plays a crucial role in the context of organizational adoption or implementation of new technologies, understanding how to amplify its effects on both in-role and extra-role behavior becomes crucial.
This study adopts an identity and fit perspective to examine the specific fits that can effectively influence IT identity, organizational identity, and role identity. Furthermore, it aims to investigate how IT identity, organizational identity, and role identity impact employees' in-role behavior and extra-role behavior. This research employed a questionnaire survey targeting a telecommunications customer service company in Taiwan, collecting a total of 220 valid responses. Except for the dimension of extra-role behavior, which was answered by supervisors based on their objective observations of subordinates' actual behavior, all other dimensions were self-reported by the employees.
The results of the study indicate that IT identity is an important influencing factor for employees' in-role behavior and extra-role behavior. Organizational identity contributes to strengthening the relationship between IT identity and extra-role behavior, thus playing a positive moderating role in the causal relationship between IT identity and extra-role behavior.
目次 Table of Contents
論文審定書 i
公開授權書 ii
誌謝 iii
摘要 iv
Abstract v
圖目錄 viii
一、 緒論 1
1.1 研究背景 1
1.2 研究動機 2
1.3 研究目的 4
二、 文獻回顧 5
2.1 科技變革與抗拒 (Technology change and resistance) 5
2.2 組織成員行為 7
2.2.1 角色內行為 (In-role behavior) 7
2.2.2 角色外行為 (Extra-role behavior) 8
2.3.2 角色認同 (Role identity) 14
2.3.3 資訊科技認同 (IT identity) 15
2.4 個人-環境契合度 (Person-environment fit, P-E Fit) 25
三、 研究方法 28
3.1研究模型 28
3.2 研究假說 28
3.2.1 契合度與認同 28
3.2.2 資訊科技認同與員工行為 31
3.2.3 調節效果 34
3.3 研究設計 36
四、資料分析結果 41
4.1 樣本敘述性統計分析 41
4.2信效度檢測 42
4.2.1信度檢測 43
4.2.2效度檢測 46
4.2.3共同方法偏誤 52
4.2.4共線性診斷 54
4.3 路徑分析及驗證 56
五、結論與建議 58
5.1學術貢獻 58
5.2實務貢獻 59
5.3研究限制 61
六、參考文獻 64
七、 附件 90
附件一、個人自評問卷 90
附件二、主管評下屬問卷 96

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