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Title page for etd-0726123-121641
探討職涯停滯與知識隱藏之關聯性: 角色模糊和心理契約破壞之中介效果及真誠領導之調節效果
Exploring the Relationship between Career Plateau and Knowledge Hiding: The Mediating Effects of Role Ambiguity and Psychological Contract Breach and Moderating Effect of Authentic Leadership
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Career plateau, Role ambiguity, Psychological contract breach, Knowledge hiding, Authentic leadership
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職涯停滯意指員工感知到自身缺乏升遷的機會或工作內容一成不變,本研究根據資源保存理論及社會交換理論之觀點,探討員工職涯停滯(升遷停滯、工作內容停滯)經由角色模糊及心理契約破壞之中介效果影響知識隱藏(規避隱藏、裝傻、合理化隱藏)行為,同時觀察是否會因為主管真誠領導,進而調節職涯停滯與角色模糊、心理契約破壞間的關係。本研究以兩階段之網路問卷收集資料,問卷發放間隔約2週,共計收回458份有效問卷進行分析。路徑分析結果顯示:(1) 升遷停滯、工作內容停滯皆與角色模糊呈正向關係;升遷停滯與心理契約破壞成正向關係。(2) 角色模糊與規避隱藏、裝傻、合理化隱藏具有正相關。(3) 角色模糊會中介升遷停滯、工作內容停滯與規避隱藏、裝傻、合理化隱藏間的關係。(4) 真誠領導會調節工作內容停滯與角色模糊間的正向關係,當真誠領導越高時會弱化前述之關係。(5) 最後,在真誠領導高時,工作內容停滯透過角色模糊影響規避隱藏與裝傻行為的間中介效果會弱化,顯示具有調節式中介效果。本研究之結果顯示工作內容停滯會透過員工角色模糊的感知,引發規避隱藏、裝傻、合理化隱藏的行為產生;其中,主管真誠領導的調節效果可以減弱此段關係,降低規避隱藏與裝傻行為。
Career plateau refers to the perception of employees that they lack opportunities for promotion or that their job content remains unchanged. This study explores the mediating effects of role ambiguity and psychological contract breach on the relationship between career plateau (hierarchical plateau and job content plateau) and knowledge hiding behaviors (evasive hiding, playing dumb, and rationalized hiding) based on the perspectives of conservation of resources theory and social exchange theory. The study also examines whether authentic leadership from supervisors moderates the relationships between career plateau, role ambiguity, and psychological contract breach. Data for this study was collected through a two-stage online questionnaire with a two-week interval between administrations. A total of 458 valid questionnaires were analyzed. The results of a path analysis revealed the following findings: (1) Both hierarchical plateau and job content plateau were positively related to role ambiguity, while hierarchical plateau was positively related to psychological contract breach. (2) Role ambiguity was positively correlated with evasive hiding, playing dumb, and rationalized hiding. (3) Role ambiguity mediated the relationships between hierarchical plateau/job content plateau and evasive hiding, playing dumb, and rationalized hiding. (4) Authentic leadership moderated the positive relationship between job content plateau and role ambiguity, weakening the association when authentic leadership was high. (5) Lastly, under conditions of high ambiguity leadership, the mediating effect of role ambiguity on the relationship between job content stagnation and evasive hiding/playing dumb was weakened, indicating a moderated mediation effect. The results of this study demonstrate that job content plateau triggers evasive hiding, playing dumb, and rationalized hiding behaviors through employees' perception of role ambiguity. Authentic leadership from supervisors can mitigate this relationship and reduce evasive hiding and playing dumb behaviors.
目次 Table of Contents
Abstract iii
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