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論文名稱 Title |
兒少文學獎暨偏鄉弱勢兒少教育之探討 Children's Literature Award and Discussion on Education of Disadvantaged Children in Rural Areas |
系所名稱 Department |
畢業學年期 Year, semester |
語文別 Language |
學位類別 Degree |
頁數 Number of pages |
66 |
研究生 Author |
指導教授 Advisor |
召集委員 Convenor |
口試委員 Advisory Committee |
口試日期 Date of Exam |
2023-05-19 |
繳交日期 Date of Submission |
2023-08-28 |
關鍵字 Keywords |
人間有愛兒少文學獎、我的夢想、台灣人間有愛中小企業互助協會、文學創作、林玉卿 Love in the World Literary Award for Children, My Dream, Taiwan Love in the World SME Mutual Aid Association, Literary Creation, Yu-Ching Lin |
統計 Statistics |
本論文已被瀏覽 150 次,被下載 0 次 The thesis/dissertation has been browsed 150 times, has been downloaded 0 times. |
中文摘要 |
一場全世界的疫情,讓台灣中小企業的經濟重創,生活模式改變及各種不安全性帶來許多考驗,對於許多社福機構及弱勢家庭、偏鄉兒少生活壓力更是相對繁重,在這趨勢影響下對弱勢家庭及偏鄉兒少的學習帶來挑戰,筆者做為一個文化出版事業企業主及非營利機構的執行者,相信教育能改變命運!自己心中的美好願景,是懷揣著「讓所有孩子,無論出身,都能獲得同等的優質教育 」,以寫作讓孩子去連结世界的可能性,因此以「我的夢想」為兒少文學獎創作比賽,對象為身處特殊環境際遇的孩童青少年、偏鄉弱勢的高風險家庭、單親家庭、隔代教養家庭、清寒貧困的低收入戶等 未成年孩子,讓孩子們透過文字書寫,寫下自己的「夢想」,用文思去創作並分享自己心中的未來願景,找到發掘出自我價值及建立自信,並提出非營利組織與企業結合,造福偏鄉弱勢兒少教育及福利。 本研究採用,簡稱「人間有愛協會」,所辦理「人間有愛兒少文學獎」進行探討,從各種人為、自然環境災難、家庭婚姻因素而失去原生家庭照顧或長期不被愛護關懷、甚至受到家暴影響,所造成自信心不足的孩子們,經過文字的書寫中,獲得療癒自己及自信的快樂。 為鼓勵青少年投入文學創作,以文學創作為基礎啟發他們的夢想,舉辦「人間有愛 第一屆 兒少文學獎」,開辦起截止 年初,已累計為特殊境遇孩 子,以指導文學創作超過 多位孩童。啟發孩子們,引導將自己的想法,用有次序的思考方式撰寫下來,同時,勇敢去追夢、建立自信,讓夢想被看見、被實現!並邀請愛心企業擔任頒獎人鼓勵兒少逐夢一同關注弱勢兒少的學習教育,此計畫讓企業更能善盡社會責任參與公益活動。 |
Abstract |
A worldwide epidemic has severely damaged the economy of Taiwan's small and medium-sized enterprises. Changes in life patterns and various insecurities have brought many challenges. The pressure on many social welfare institutions, disadvantaged families, and children in rural areas is relatively heavy. Under the influence of this trend, it brings challenges to the learning of disadvantaged families and rural children. As a cultural publishing business owner and an executive of a non-profit organization, the author believes that education can change destiny! The beautiful vision in my heart is to "let all children, regardless of their origin, get the same high-quality education" and the possibility of connecting children to the world through writing. Therefore, "My Dream" was created for the Children's Literature Award The competition is aimed at children and adolescents in special circumstances, vulnerable high-risk families in rural areas, single-parent families, intergenerational education families, poor and poor low-income households, etc...Underage children, let the children write and write through words. Write down your own "dream", use Evans to create and share your future vision in your heart, find out your self-worth and build self-confidence, and propose a combination of non-profit organizations and enterprises to benefit the education and welfare of disadvantaged children in rural areas. This study uses the "Love in the World Association" for short, and the "Love in the World for Children and Children Literary Award" to conduct a discussion, from various man-made, natural environmental disasters, family marriage factors, loss of native family care or long-term lack of love and care, Even children who are affected by domestic violence and lack self-confidence can gain the joy of healing themselves and self-confidence through writing. In order to encourage young people to invest in literary creation and inspire their dreams based on literary creation, the "Love in the World First Children's Literature Award" was held. From the beginning to the beginning of 2023, a total of more than 600 children in special circumstances have guided literary creation Many children. Inspire children, guide them to write down their thoughts in an orderly way, and at the same time, bravely pursue their dreams, build self-confidence, and let their dreams be seen and realized! And invite caring companies to act as award presenters to encourage children to pursue their dreams and pay attention to the learning and education of disadvantaged children. This plan enables companies to better fulfill their social responsibilities and participate in public welfare activities. Keywords: Love in the World Literary Award for Children, My Dream, Taiwan Love in the World SME Mutual Aid Association, Literary Creation, Lin Yuqing |
目次 Table of Contents |
論 文 審 定 書i 誌 謝ii 摘 要iii Abstractiv 目 錄v 圖 次vi 表 次vii 第一章 緒論 01 第一節 研究背景與動機 01 第二節 研究問題與目的 02 第三節 兒少文學教學流程 04 第四節 兒少文學表揚見證 06 第二章 產業現況 10 第一節 偏鄉及弱勢兒少教育現況 10 第二節 偏鄉「混齡教學」的現況 12 第三節 「混齡教學」的成果 13 第三章 研究方法 17 第一節 研究結構 17 第二節 研究方法 17 第三節 混齡教學個案感人故事 18 第四節 寫作指導走訪記錄 21 第四章 實證分析 26 第一節 研究實際執行中的人民團體26 第二節 研究子目的一之公益服務計畫27 第三節 研究子目的二之贊助兒少文學獎31 第四節 研究子目的三之企業專業領域結合31 第五節 實證結果彙整32 第五章 結論與建議 32 第一節 結論32 第二節 建議39 附錄 一、兒少文學獎—媒體報導記錄 40 二、兒少文學獎—寫作成果 40 三、兒少寫作成果--兒少文學獎 得獎作品 52 四、「第十屆兒少文學獎—台馬國際慈善公益前進吉隆坡 55 五、參考文獻 56 |
參考文獻 References |
附錄 五、參考文獻 1.引用之中文書籍: 作者:華品文化 出版年次:2022 書名:台灣百大品牌的故事26 版次: 初版 出版地:臺北市 出版者:華品文化國際行銷有限公司 ISBN:978-626-96429-9-1 頁次:128.129.130 |
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