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博碩士論文 etd-0729123-205631 詳細資訊
Title page for etd-0729123-205631
Discovering concept drift based on propensity score
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Treatment effect, Temporal data, Confounder, Propensity score, Concept drift
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現在很多領域都會使用機器學習模型來協助我們進行決策,但隨著模型的 上線,伴隨而來會是概念飄移的問題,模型會因為時間的推移或政策的改變而導 致逐漸地不堪使用。因此,我們需要定時地去偵測模型的實用性,一旦我們發現 模型開始出現問題,就需要對模型進行修正或是抽換。在現有的概念飄移方法中 都是著重偵測和改進方法,雖然可以部分解決概念飄移的問題,但是常會因為忽 略干擾因子對於自變數和應變數的影響,而導致偵測概念飄移時產生錯誤的結果。 為了解決這個問題,本論文提出概念飄移使用傾向分數的方法,透過加入傾向分 數的方法來改善干擾因子的影響,進而讓估計治療效果可以有效的量化資料。
In many fields, machine learning models are widely used to assist in decision- making. However, with the deployment of these models, the issue of concept drift arises. Over time or due to policy changes, models gradually become less effective and reliable. Therefore, it is necessary to regularly monitor the usefulness of the models. Once problems are detected, appropriate adjustments or replacements need to be made. Existing concept drift methods primarily focus on detection and improvement techniques, which partially address the concept drift problem. However, they often overlook the influence of confounding factors on the relationships between independent and dependent variables, leading to erroneous results in concept drift detection. To address this issue, this paper proposes Concept Drift using Propensity Score (CDPS). By incorporating propensity scores, the impact of confounding factors can be mitigated, thereby enhancing the ability to accurately quantify treatment effects from the data.
目次 Table of Contents
論文審訂書 i
摘要 ii
Abstract iii
List of Figures vi
List of Tables vii
1. Introduction 1
2. Background 2
2.1 Concept drift detection 2
2.1.1 Error-based drift detection 3
2.1.2 Distribution-based drift detection 4
2.1.3 Explain-based drift detection 6
2.1.4 Unsupervised-based drift detection 6
2.1.5 Ensemble-based drift detection 7
2.1.6 Neural network-based drift detection 8
2.2 Propensity score 9
2.2.1 Identifying potentially confounding factors 9
2.2.2 Computing the propensity score 10
2.2.3 Applying the matching method 11
2.2.4 Evaluating the performance of the matching process 11
3. Methodology 12
3.1 Data segmentation 12
3.2 Propensity score process 13
3.3 Estimate the treatment effect 15
3.4 Detect concept drift 16
4. Experiment 18
4.1 Experiment description 18
4.2 Dataset 19
4.2.1 KMUH dataset 19
4.2.2 GEO dataset 20
4.2.3 Electricity dataset 21
4.2.4 Artificial dataset 22
4.3 Experiment result 23
4.3.1 KMUH dataset 23
4.3.2 GEO dataset 26
4.3.3 Electricity dataset 26
4.3.4 Artificial dataset 27
4.3.5 Discussion 28
5. Conclusion 29
References 30
Appendix 36
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