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Title page for etd-0729123-224752
Using Social Capital Perspective to Explore Interactive Process of Cross-Sector Societal Entrepreneurship
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Cross-sector Collaboration, Societal Entrepreneurship, Social Capital, Eco-friendly Agriculture, Sustainable Development
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This study aims to explore the societal entrepreneurial process of cross-sector cooperation on complex issues of sustainable development through literature review of social and societal entrepreneurship and social capital. Based on the multi-level social capital perspective proposed by Brunie, an empirical research was conducted to deeply analyze how key organizations and actors create social capital through links with other sectors, and carry out key actions of societal entrepreneurship that interact across-sectors to establish a sustainable development model of societal entrepreneurship balanced with ecology and friendly agriculture in Taiwan.
Previous researches about social entrepreneurship have tended to explore how a single organization responds to one social issue, and rarely involves multi-sector participation in complex social issues regarding both ecology and agriculture. In the context of emerging complex social problems, societal entrepreneurship with cross-sector cooperation and interaction often needs to consider the application of social capital. This study can supplement the research gap of societal entrepreneurship from the perspective of social capital generated by cross-sector interaction. This research method adopts a qualitative case study, through in-depth interviews with key actors from distinctive sectors, and conducts analysis and verification with the collected secondary data.
The study found the integration and shift of social capital in the context of dynamic societal entrepreneurship, focusing on its translating, fusing and evolving of social capital in the process of sectoral interaction. The integration and shift of social capital affects the output of actors or units at the micro, meso, and macro levels, and it spreads and reflects to strengthen or deepen the effectiveness of collective, relational, and generalized social capital. The integration and shift of social capital affects the process of societal entrepreneurship throughout different stages.
The integration and shift of social capital of translating, fusing and evolving takes place distinctively as entrepreneurial plan actions, sectoral interaction and continuous effectuation of generalized social capital go on. The research findings not only strengthen the theoretical application of social capital and societal entrepreneurship, but also enrich the understanding and analysis of cross-sector cooperative societal entrepreneurship, thereby bringing new insights and contributions to the theoretical and practical fields.
目次 Table of Contents
目 錄
Abstract …………………………………………..……iv
第一章 緒論……………………………………..……1
第一節 研究背景與研究動機………………….……1
第二節 研究目的與研究問題………………….……8
第二章 文獻探討……………………………………12
第一節 社會創業……………………………………12
第二節 社會資本…………………….…….……….23
第三章 研究方法………………………….…..……34
第一節 個案研究方法……………………..………34
第二節 研究資料來源與蒐集……………..………35
第三節 研究資料整理和分析……………..………40
第四章 研究分析、討論與發現…………..………42
第一節 倡議行動計畫分析………………...…...…42
第二節 品牌創業行動計畫分析…………….....…51
第三節 社會創業跨部門合作挑戰………….....…57
第四節 社會資本分析………………………...……67
第五節 研究討論與發現……………………...……81
第五章 結論…………………………………...……90

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