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博碩士論文 etd-0730123-160041 詳細資訊
Title page for etd-0730123-160041
The impact of product nickname on consumers’ product attitude: the mediating effect of psychological ownership
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nickname, nickname relevance, psychological ownership, product attitude, product evaluation
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In the field of marketing, instead of using formal product names, brands often use product nicknames to communicate with consumers. Because product nicknames are short and catchy, product nicknames can let consumers remember products more quickly. Therefore, consumers have gradually used product nicknames when they talk about products, especially in social media use.
The main idea of this article is to study the influence of product nicknames on product attitude and use psychological ownership as the mediator. First, given that nicknames represent a kind of intimacy, this article figures out whether consumers will have a sense of "subjective feelings of ownership", that is, psychological ownership of products when using product nicknames, and then study whether psychological ownership can enhance product attitude. Second, this article adds nickname relevance as the moderator. The key to successfully using product nicknames depends on how relevant the product nickname is to the product. When product nicknames are highly correlated with products’ features, consumers can get to know the product.
The study proved that product nicknames have a positive effect on consumers' product attitudes, and the mediating effect of psychological ownership is also confirmed. When consumers have a sense of psychological ownership, consumers will have a positive attitude toward products. In addition, this study also found that when using product nicknames, consumers' attitude toward products is moderated by the nickname relevance. When a nickname has great relevance to the products, it will enhance the consumer's attitude toward the product, and vice versa.
目次 Table of Contents
第一節 研究動機與背景1
第二節 研究目的4
第三節 研究流程4
第一節 產品暱稱6
第二節 心理擁有權8
第三節 產品態度9
第一節 研究假設12
第二節 研究架構14
第三節 研究方法15
第一節 前言18
第二節 樣本背景資料分析18
第三節 信度分析19
第四節 操弄檢定20
第五節 研究假設檢定21
第六節 假設檢定結果與總結22
第一節 綜合討論24
第二節 研究貢獻25
第三節 未來研究建議與限制25

圖1- 1 YSL (Yves Saint Laurent) 的「小金條」口紅2
圖1- 2雅詩蘭黛 (Estee Lauder) 的「小棕瓶」精華液2
圖1- 3 Toyota的「神A」3
圖1- 4巴黎世家 (Balenciaga) 的「機車包」3
圖1- 5研究流程圖5
圖2- 1三成分態度模型 (The Tri-Component Attitude Model)11
圖3- 1研究架構圖14
圖4- 1心理擁有權之中介效果22

表2- 1常見的產品暱稱7
表3- 1產品暱稱的操作型定義與衡量15
表3- 2心理擁有權的操作型定義與衡量16
表3- 3產品暱稱相關性的操作型定義與衡量16
表3- 4產品態度的操作型定義與衡量17
表4- 1問卷樣本人口統計資料18
表4- 2問卷各題項之信度分析20
表4- 3假設驗證結果23
參考文獻 References





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