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博碩士論文 etd-0731121-145257 詳細資訊
Title page for etd-0731121-145257
The research on the Comparisons of Cross-Lingual Topic models
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Topic Modeling, Cross-lingual topic modeling, Word vector, Expectation-maximization algorithm, Auto-Encoding Variational Bayes, Dirichlet distribution, Gaussian distribution
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基於詞向量的跨語言主題模型中,我們比較了使用統計方法的center-based cross-lingual topic model (Chang et al., 2021)與深度學習方法的 embedded topic model (Dieng et al., 2020),發現先驗分佈與推論演算法是其中最大的差異:在Cb-CLTM中用了最大期望演算法並以狄式分佈作為主題模型的先驗分佈,而ETM則以AEVB(auto-encoding variational bayes)為演算法與高斯分佈為先驗分佈。經過實驗分析,發現兩者結果並無太大的優劣之分,然而透過深度學習的方法,我們將能更快速的分析大量的跨語言文件。
Cross-lingual topic modeling analyzes corpora across languages, uncover latent topics and the keywords of the topics between different languages. Most traditional top-ic models are based on statistical training and require parallel corpus. However, as de-velopment of the Internet, analysis of large-scale and non-parallel corpus is becoming essential. In recent years, without non-parallel corpus, word-embeddings-based topic models have been widely used. Through mapping to vector space, we capture semantic regularities and the relationships among words more precisely.
In this study, we compared two word-embeddings-based topic models, Cb-CLTM: center-based cross-lingual topic model (Chang et al., 2021), and ETM: embedded topic model (Dieng et al., 2020). The main differences are that Cb-CLTM is based on EM and uses Dirichlet distribution as its prior distribution, whereas ETM utilizes neural networks whose inference algorithm is AEVB (auto-encoding variational bayes) and applies Gaussian as prior. After experiments, we found the performance between the two models is comparable and nearly equal. However, with neural networks, we can analyze large-scale cross-lingual corpora more rapidly.
目次 Table of Contents

論文審定書 i
誌謝 ii
摘要 iii
Abstract iv
CHAPTER 1 - Introduction 1
CHAPTER 2 - Related Works 3
2.1. Cross-lingual Topic Modeling 3
2.1.1. Document linking 3
2.1.2. Vocabulary linking 4
2.1.3. Mixed linking 5
2.2. Word Embeddings 6
2.3. Continuous topic model 7
CHAPTER 3 - Comparisons of Cb-CLTM and ETM 9
3.1. Variational Autoencoder (VAE) 9
3.2. Preparations, Cb-CLTM and ETM 12
3.2.1. Cross-Lingual Alignments 12
3.2.2. Center-based cross-lingual topic model (Cb-CLTM) 14
3.2.3. Embedded Topic Model (ETM) 15
3.3. Comparisons 17
3.3.1. Difference in Prior Distributions 17
3.3.2. Difference in Inference Algorithms 18
CHAPTER 4 - Experiments and Results 19
4.1. Dataset Description 19
4.2. Evaluation Metrics 21
4.3. Parameters 24
4.4. Coherence Performance 27
4.5. Topic Diversity 29
4.6. Quality in Document Representation 31
CHAPTER 5 - Conclusion 36
Reference 37
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