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Title page for etd-0918121-040920
The effect of Fear of being laughed at Voice Behavior, Mediated by Approach Motives and Avoid Motives, Moderated by Supervisor Affect Trust
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Voice behavior, Gelotophobia, Approach motives, Avoid motives, Supervisor affective trust
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隨著企業之間競爭愈發激烈,企業必須不斷自我改革與升級才能得以生存。 組織內部員工所提供的建議或想法也是助力企業進一步提升的關鍵因素,員工的 建言獻策對組織來說越來越重要。過往對於建言行為影響因素之個體方面研究, 集中於分析哪類人群更願意做出建言行為,而本研究則想要探索哪類人群更不會 建言?本研究將趨近動機、迴避動機作為中介變數,來探討怕被笑特質如何影響 建言行為。最後,加入主管情感信任作為調節效果,以了解其是否能夠調節趨近 動機、迴避動機對於建言行為之影響。 本研究主要以某跨境企業之員工作為研究樣本,先後發放兩次問卷進行施 測,首次發送 400 份問卷,收回 370 份。隔 2 週後,對第一次作答者發放第二次 問卷,回收 370 份。本研究通過驗證各假設得到以下結果: 一、「怕被笑特質」與「趨近動機」呈現負相關性;「怕被笑特質」與「迴 避動機」呈現正相關性。 二、「怕被笑特質」與「建言行為」呈現負相關性。 三、「趨近動機」與「建言行為」呈現正相關性;「迴避動機」與「建言行 為」呈現負相關性。 四、「趨近動機」、「迴避動機」在「怕被笑特質」與「建言行為」之間具 有中介效果。 五、「主管情感信任」會調節「趨近動機」與「建言行為」之正向關係以及 「迴避動機」與「建言行為」之負向關係。 最後,探討了本研究之管理意涵、研究限制及未來研究方向。
With the increasingly fierce competition among enterprises, enterprises must constantly reform and upgrade themselves to survive. The suggestions or ideas provided by the employees within the organization are also the key factors to help the enterprise further improve. The suggestions of employees are more and more important to the organization. In the past, most of the individual researches on the influencing factors of voice behavior focused on the analysis of which groups were more willing to perform voice behavior. And this study wanted to explore, which group of people is more incapable of voice behavior? Gelotophobia is a personality which is often overlooked among people who under Chinese culture. This study explored the relationship between Gelotophobia and voice behavior, and used approach motives and avoid motives as mediating variables to explore how fear of being laughed effect on voice behavior. Finally, we added supervisor affective trust as a moderating effect to investigate whether it can moderate the influence of approach motives and avoid motives on voice behavior. In this study, the employees of a cross-border enterprise were taken as the research samples, and questionnaires were sent out twice. For the first time, 400 questionnaires were sent out and 370 questionnaires were collected. Two weeks later, the second questionnaire was issued to the first responders, and 370 copies were collected. In this study, the following results were obtained by verifying each hypothesis: 1. Gelotophobia was negatively correlated with approach motives; There was a positive correlation between Gelotophobia and the avoid motives. 2.there is a negative correlation between Gelotophobia and voice behavior. 3. approach motives is positively correlated with voice behavior; There is a negative correlation between avoid motives and voice behavior. 4. approach motives and avoid motives had a mediating effect between Gelotophobia and voice behavior..
5. Supervisor affective trust moderates the positive relationship between approach motives and voice behavior, and it also moderates the negative relationship between avoid motive and voice behavior.
Finally, the management implications, research limitations and future research directions of this study are discussed.
Keywords: Voice behavior, Gelotophobia, Approach motives; Avoid motives; Supervisor affective trust.
目次 Table of Contents
論文審定書…………………………………………… i
第一章 緒論........................................................1
第一節 研究背景與動機.................................1
第二節 研究目的................................................6
第二章 文獻探討................................................7
第一節 怕被笑特質...........................................7
第二節 趨近動機與迴避動機.......................11
第三節 建言行為..............................................15
第四節 主管情感信任.....................................21
第三章 研究方法..............................................25
第一節 研究架構與假設.................................25
第二節 研究樣本與施測程............................27
第三節 測量工具..............................................28
第四節 資料分析方法......................................32
第四章 研究結果...............................................33
第一節 樣本特性...............................................33
第二節 敘述性統計與相關係數分析..........35
第三節 迴歸分析...............................................38
第五章 討論與建議.........................................44
第一節 研究結果之討論.................................44
第二節 研究限制及未來研究建議...............47
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