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博碩士論文 etd-0919121-095642 詳細資訊
Title page for etd-0919121-095642
The Effects of Counterfactual Thinking on Public Service Announcement:Temporal Distance as Moderating Variables
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public service announcement, counterfactual thinking, temporal distance, advertising attitude, behavioral intention
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本研究執行2組實驗設計,實驗一屬單因子組間實驗設計,以向上反事實公益廣告訴求(正向vs. 負向vs. 控制組)為自變項,探究受測者對於兩種反事實訴求之公益廣告,其負面情緒、廣告態度與行為意圖;實驗二屬雙因子2(反事實:正向vs. 負向)x 2(時間距離:近期過去vs. 遠期過去)組間實驗設計;即以向上反事實公益廣告訴求為自變項,操弄閱聽人時間距離訴求兩個調節變項,透過研究者設計含有不同變項的公益廣告,了解受測者的負面情緒、廣告態度與行為意圖。
Public service announcements are widely used by government, business or philanthropy. In reality, public service announcement is often limited and the effect wasn't great. Therefore, the focus of public service announcement is that advertising content can attract the attention of the audience and have a well advertising effect.
Previous studies have shown that upward counterfactual thinking can help people learn and improve from mistakes. The purpose of public service announcement is to change the attitude and behavior of the audience, and it is similar to the upward counterfactual thinking. Therefore, the study explores the audience's negative emotion, advertising attitude and behavioral intentions in public service announcement when advertising content using different upward counterfactual appeals, attributions and time distances.
The study adopts two experimental designs with different variables on public service announcement. With the upward counterfactual thinking (positive vs. negative) on public service announcement as the independent variables, the temporal distance (recent past vs. distant past) as the moderator variables and negative emotions, advertising attitudes and behavioral intention as dependent variables, two experimental designs are conducted and ANOVA ran for analysis.
The experimental results found that there is no obvious difference in negative emotion between public service advertisements with positive or negative counterfactual thinking appeals. However, public service advertisements with positive counterfactual thinking appeals have more disappointments and regrets than public service advertisements with negative counterfactual thinking appeals. The experimental 2 results found that the event in distant past, the public service announcement using positive counterfactual thinking appeals have more disappointment and concerned than public service announcement of negative counterfactual thinking appeal .The study also shows the negative emotion generated by counterfactual appeals is significantly positive correlated with advertising attitudes and behavioral intentions.This study which directly applies counterfactual thinking appeals to public service advertisements is not only different from the previous literature, but also similar to practical application of advertising.
目次 Table of Contents
論文審定書 i
摘要 ii
Abstract iii
第一章、緒論 1
一、研究背景 1
二、研究動機 4
三、研究目的 6
第二章、文獻探討 7
一、公益廣告 7
二、反事實 9
三、時間距離 15
四、情緒 19
第三章、研究架構與假說 21
一、研究架構 21
二、研究假說 22
第四章、研究方法 25
一、實驗一 25
二、實驗二 29
三、樣本蒐集 32
四、分析方法 33
第五章、資料分析 34
一、實驗一 34
二、實驗二 42
第六章、研究結論 54
一、研究結論 54
二、理論貢獻 54
三、實務貢獻 55
四、研究限制與建議 56
參考文獻 57
附錄 67
附錄一、實驗一廣播廣告問卷情境-拒絕酒駕公益廣告 67
附錄二、實驗一廣播廣告問卷問項 70
附錄三、實驗二平面廣告問卷情境-拒絕酒駕公益廣告 74
附錄四、實驗二平面廣告問卷問項 76
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