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博碩士論文 etd-0931121-075459 詳細資訊
Title page for etd-0931121-075459
An Investigation of Elderly’s Acceptance of Reverse Mortgages – A Case Study Based on the Examples of Kaohsiung City
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the reverse mortgage, economic security for the elderly, reverse mortgages, aging society, housing policy
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研究結果可供相關單位在推動以房養老相關政策時的配套措施,亦建議作為推廣老年經濟策略及生活規劃之參考。最後,本研究亦提出以房養老政策提出五點建議如下:1、政府多加宣導,加強民眾以房養老的認知,並增加橫向聯繫管道服務。2、立法機關完善以房養老相關(民法、銀行、老人福利法)法令修正。 3、政府建立養老諮詢服務與申訴專責管道,提供老年人正確之資訊。4、銀行放寬不動產抵押物上限。5、高齡長者若有現金需求,可考慮利用不動產。以上供政府部門、銀行及高齡長者參考,期望幫助高雄市年老市民在經濟上新的發展模式,以及提昇養老機制之措施。
“The reverse mortgage” involves trading the house with the bank to receive a particular amount of loan based on the value of the house; after the bank has evaluated and calculated the lending amount, it will, within specified years, give a sum of money to its participants monthly as their pension. The purpose of this research is to understand how different factors influenced the awareness of Kaohsiung citizens above 60 years old in participating in the reverse mortgage program, such as various background conditions, knowledge, acceptability, and willingness of participation. By comparing different factors which might lead to their various engagement, this research is able to delve into people’s willingness to participate in such a program. The study participants are Kaohsiung citizens above 60 years old living in the top six administrative districts of Kaohsiung that have the most popular real estate transaction. The result of this research is collected through the questionnaire survey.
The research has shown that various background conditions of Kaohsiung citizens above 60 years old, such as education, marriage status, number of children, number of estates, different ways of collecting a pension and managing finances have a positive impact on their understanding of the reverse mortgage program. The level of participants’ understanding and knowledge would then bring about the positiveness of acceptability, and the level of acceptability would further give rise to the positivity of willingness of participants’ engagement. In another word, the willingness of participants who engaged in the reverse mortgage program can be elevated through improving participants’ understanding of the program.
The research result can provide complementary measures for related departments when launching related policies of the reverse mortgage program; it also serves as a reference for promoting the economic strategy and for career planning of the elder. Finally, by aiming at the reverse mortgage policy, this research also proposes five suggestions as follows: (1) the government should further publicize to raise public’s awareness of the reverse mortgage, and to enhance the cross-functional communication service; (2) the legislature should better the related legislation of the reverse mortgage policy, such as Civil Code, The Banking Act, and Senior Citizens Welfare Act; (3) the government should establish the channel of consultation service and appeal to provide the elder with correct information; (4) banks should relax the upper limit for collateral of real estate; (5) the elder can consider trading their house for money in case of financial lack. The above approaches are for the governmental departments’, banks’, and the elder’s reference, hoping to shed light on developing a new economic model for the elder citizens living in Kaohsiung City and to further improve measures of the reverse mortgage policy.
目次 Table of Contents
論文審定書 i
致謝 ii
摘要 iii
Abstract iv
第一章 緒論 1
第一節 研究背景 1
第二節 研究動機與重要性 5
第三節 研究目的 7
第四節 研究範圍與限制 9
第五節 研究內容與研究流程 10
第二章 文獻回顧探討 12
第一節 經濟安全保障與逆向抵押貸款概述 12
第二節 以房養老制度認知、接受程度及參與意願 14
第三節 以房養老在不同國家之介紹與發展 20
第四節 以房養老推動之必要性與困境 29
第三章 研究方法 32
第一節 研究方法 33
第二節 研究架構與研究變項之操作定義 34
第三節 資料分析方法 38
第四節 抽樣計畫 44
第五節 預試問卷結果分析 53
第六節 預試問卷修正及正式問卷發放方式與題項彙整 57
第四章 資料分析與成果 59
第一節 問卷回收情形 59
第二節 資料分析 64
第三節 民眾對於以房養老認知程度之分析 77
第四節 民眾對於以房養老接受程度之分析 80
第五節 民眾對於以房養老參與意願之分析 83
第六節 民眾對於以房養老之認知程度及接受程度之關係 86
第七節 民眾對於以房養老之認知程度及參與意願之關係 88
第八節 民眾對於以房養老之接受程度及參與意願之關係 90
第九節 因素分析 92
第五章 結論與建議 96
第一節 研究結論 96
第二節 研究建議 98
第三節 後續研究建議 101
參考文獻 102
附錄一研究問卷試卷 108
附錄二研究問卷正式問卷 114

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