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Title page for etd-1002123-172622
How Aggressive Humor Influences Creativity: The Mediating Role of Constructive Voice and the Moderating Effect of Cultural Values
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Aggressive Humor, Creativity, Masculine Cultures Values, Feminine Cultural Values, Constructive Voice
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本研究以了解攻擊型幽默(Aggressive Humor)如何影響職場中的溝通和創造力,以及文化價值觀(女性化和男性化)這個變項如何在幽默與溝通之間發揮調節的作用。研究顯示,儘管攻擊型幽默可能會損害職場的溝通和創造力,但在具有較高女性化文化價值觀的背景下,能夠減輕其對溝通的負面影響。在這份研究,溝通作為侵略性幽默和創造力之間的橋樑的預期角色並未獲得確認,這暗示著還有更深、更隱秘的因素有待探索。本研究的研究問卷資料來自一份三階段問卷、問卷對象為在台灣工作的228名在職或具有工作經驗的法定成年人。本研究強調了認識職場攻擊型幽默對員工及其組織可能帶來的不良影響的重要性。根據結果,本研究討論了其意義和局限性以及未來研究的方向。
This study explores how aggressive humor affects communication and creativity in the workplace, and how cultural values (masculine and feminine) play a moderating role in shaping these effects. Data are collected from 228 employees with a three-wave
procedure in Taiwan. It revealed that while aggressive humor can harm workplace communication and creativity, its negative impact on communication is weekend in cultures with higher feminine cultural values. However, the expected role of communication as a bridge between aggressive humor and creativity wasn’t confirmed,
hinting at deeper, unseen factors yet to be explored. This study highlights the importance of recognizing the potential dark side of workplace aggressive humor over employees and their organizations. Based on the results, the implications and limitations of this study and the direction of future research are discussed.

目次 Table of Contents
Thesis/Dissertation Validation Letter i
Acknowledgments ii
Abstract (Chinese) iii
Abstract (English) iv
Chapter 1 Introduction 1
1.1 Research Background and Motivation 1
Chapter 2 Literature Review 4
2.1 Definition of Humor: 4
2.2 Approach-avoidance framework 8
2.3 Benign violation theory 8
2.4 Relationship between humor and creativity 9
2.5 Relationship between constructive voice and creativity 13
2.6 Mediating effect of constructive voice 15
2.7 Moderating effect of culture 18
Chapter 3 Overview of the study 22
3.1 Sample and Procedure 22
3.2 Measures 25
3.2.1 Independent Variable: Aggressive Humor (Time 1) 25
3.2.2 Moderator: Cultural Values (Time 1) 26
3.2.3 Mediator: Constructive Voice (Time 2) 26
3.2.4 Dependent Variable: Creativity (Time 3) 27
3.2.5 Control Variables: Highest Education and other demographic variable (Time1) 27
Chapter 4 Results 28
4.1 Descriptive statistics 28
4.2 Correlation analysis 29
4.3 Common method variance 30
4.4 Analysis and hypothesis testing: 31
Chapter 5 Discussion 34
5.1 Theoretical Implications 36
5.2 Practical Implications 37
5.3 Limitations and Future Directions 38
Chapter 6 Conclusion 40
Reference 41
Appendix 48
Questionnaire 48

List of Figures
Figure 2-1. Research Framework 21
Figure 4-2. Aggressive Humor x Cultural Values 33

Lists of Tables
Table 4-1. Results of Descriptive Statistic 28
Table 4-2. Means, Standard Deviations, and Correlations 29
Table 4-3. CFA Results 31
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