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論文名稱 Title |
睡眠品質、角色取替、狀態正念與決策品質:檢驗調節式中介模型 Sleep Quality, Perspective-Taking, State Mindfulness, and Decision Quality: Examining a Moderated Mediation Model |
系所名稱 Department |
畢業學年期 Year, semester |
語文別 Language |
學位類別 Degree |
頁數 Number of pages |
58 |
研究生 Author |
指導教授 Advisor |
召集委員 Convenor |
口試委員 Advisory Committee |
口試日期 Date of Exam |
2023-05-26 |
繳交日期 Date of Submission |
2023-06-20 |
關鍵字 Keywords |
決策品質、睡眠品質、狀態正念、角色取替、決策 decision quality, sleep quality, state mindfulness, perspective-taking, decision-making |
統計 Statistics |
本論文已被瀏覽 197 次,被下載 3 次 The thesis/dissertation has been browsed 197 times, has been downloaded 3 times. |
中文摘要 |
過去研究指出,睡眠品質不佳會影響認知與風險評估等能力,進而增加決策失誤和冒險行為的風險。儘管以往研究探討了睡眠品質對個體認知功能與決策的影響,學者們尚未探討社會認知在睡眠品質和決策品質關係中的中介角色。此外,現有研究對減緩睡眠品質不佳對工作行為與結果所帶來的負面影響並無關於介入措施的建議。針對以上文獻缺口,本研究提出一個調節式中介模型,以角色取替(Perspective-taking)作為解釋睡眠品質與決策品質關係之中介變數,並以「狀態正念」作為調節睡眠品質與角色取替之關係之調節變數。本研究之研究數據來自60位完成每天兩次且連續十天問卷的參與者,共計8組數據,480筆觀察值。本研究使用層次回歸分析檢驗假設。研究結果顯示,在狀態正念較低的情況下,睡眠品質對決策品質的正向間接效果顯著;而在狀態正念較高的情況下,睡眠品質對決策品質的負向間接效果顯著。本研究有助於探究睡眠品質、角色取替與決策品質之間的作用關係,並提出藉由提升狀態正念以減緩睡眠品質對前述作用關係帶來的負面影響。 |
Abstract |
Previous research has indicated that poor sleep quality can affect cognitive and risk assessment abilities, leading to increased risks of decision-making errors and risky behavior. Although prior studies have explored the impact of sleep quality on individual cognitive function and decision-making, scholars have not yet investigated the mediating role of social cognition in the relationship between sleep quality and decision quality. Additionally, existing research provides no suggestions for intervention measures aimed at mitigating the negative impact of poor sleep quality on work behavior and outcomes. Thus, to address these gaps, this study proposes a moderated mediation model, with perspective-taking as the mediating variable to explain the relationship between sleep quality and decision quality, and state mindfulness as the moderating variable for the relationship between sleep quality and perspective-taking. Research data were collected from 60 participants who were asked to complete daily questionnaires (twice a day) for ten consecutive days. Hypotheses were tested using hierarchical regression analysis. The results indicate that under lower levels of state mindfulness, sleep quality had a significant positive indirect effect on decision quality, while under higher levels of state mindfulness, the indirect effect is negative. This study contributes to exploring the relationship between sleep quality, perspective-taking, and decision quality and proposes enhancing state mindfulness to mitigate the adverse effects of poor sleep quality on the aforementioned relationship. |
目次 Table of Contents |
Thesis Validation Letter i Acknowledgment ii Chinese Abstract iii English Abstract iv 1. Introduction1 2. Theoretical Background and Development of Hypotheses7 2.1 Sleep7 2.2 Perspective-taking9 2.3 Sleep Quality as an Antecedent of Perspective-taking11 2.4 Mindfulness13 2.5 State Mindfulness as a Moderator15 2.6 Perspective-taking and Decision Quality18 2.7 Sleep Quality, Perspective-Taking, and Decision Quality19 2.8 Moderated Mediation20 3. Method21 3.1 Participants and Procedure21 3.2 Measures23 3.2.1 Before-Work Survey23 Sleep Quality.23 3.2.2 After-Work Survey24 State Mindfulness.24 Perspective-taking.24 Decision Quality.25 4. Analytical strategy26 5. Result27 5.1 Confirmatory Factor Analysis27 5.2 Descriptive Statistics and Correlation27 5.3 Hypothesis Testing28 6. Discussion32 6.1 Practical Implication34 6.2 Limitation36 References38 Appendix49 |
參考文獻 References |
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