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Title page for etd-0520123-185846
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Corporate vision, Organizational Culture, Profit Center, Talent Retention, Human Resources, Software Technology Industry
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In recent years, both domestically and internationally, the evolution of environmental changes and technological advancements has brought about various challenges for overall business operations. In this context, talent cultivation and retention have become extremely important. However, these aspects can vary depending on an organization's vision and corporate culture. For human resources managers working within a company, it is necessary to adjust and respond to relevant human resource strategies in line with the company's corporate culture and vision. Whether it is a large corporation or a small business, each has its own corporate vision and organizational culture. However, previous literature and research in the field of human resources mainly focused on the direction of corporate operations or the overall development direction of the company as the subject of study. Very few studies have measured these factors from the perspective of human resources. Therefore, this study aims to explore the relationship between human resources and the overall corporate vision and organizational culture. Through literature analysis, the Delphi method, and questionnaire surveys, this study seeks to combine discussions based on relevant literature, empirical research using practical questionnaires and expert interviews to understand the impact of corporate vision and organizational culture on talent retention, which has been extensively studied in academic research, for the reference of future companies.
Given the recent increase in the number of software technology companies in our country, this study focuses on the software technology industry as the research object. Through questionnaire surveys and the Delphi method, the study aims to understand the thoughts of individuals at different levels and perspectives regarding talent retention within the organization. Additionally, it investigates the mutual influence between corporate vision, organizational culture, and talent retention from the perspective of human resource management.
目次 Table of Contents
論文審定書 i
中文摘要 ii
目錄 iv
圖目錄 vi
表目錄 vii
第一章 緒論1
1.1 研究背景 1
1.2 研究動機 3
1.3 研究目的 5
1.4 研究流程 7
第二章 文獻探討 9
2.1 企業願景(Corporate Vision) 9
2.2 組織文化(Organizational Culture)11
2.3 留才(Talent Retention)13
2.4 利潤中心制度(Profit Center) 15
3.1 博弈產業(Gaming Industry) 17
第三章 研究設計19
3.1 研究架構 19
3.2 研究發想 20
3.3 深度訪談法(In-depth Interview) 20
3.5 研究客體-博弈軟體科技公司 20
3.6 訪談人員資料 21
3.7 訪談問卷 23
第四章 研究成果 25
4.1 主管對企業願景的形塑 25
4.2 主管對組織文化的形塑 26
4.3 企業願景對留才策略的影響 27
4.4 組織文化對留才策略的影響 29
4.5 利潤中心對企業願景、組織文化、留才策略的影響30
4.6 訪談結果分析 . 32
第五章 結論與建議56
5.1 研究結論 56
5.2 管理意涵與貢獻 56
5.3 學術意涵與貢獻 58
5.4 研究建議 59
5.4.1 管理實務建議 59
5.4.2 學術實務建議 60
參考文獻 61
圖 1-1 工作機會出現歷史新高 2
圖 1-2 2022 年加薪預算波動 4
圖 1-3 研究流程 8
圖 3-1 研究架構 19
圖 5-1 調整後之研究架構 58

表 2.1 成本中心與利潤中心比較16
表 3.2 訪談對象列表 22
表 4.1 主管對於企業願景的形塑 25
表 4.2 主管對於組織文化的形塑 26
表 4.3 企業願景對於留才策略的形塑28
表 4.4 組織文化對於留才策略的形塑 29
表 4.5 利潤中心對企業願景、組織文化、留才策略的影響 30
表 4.6 技術團隊訪談回覆32
表 4.7 訪談回覆 1 33
表 4.8 訪談回覆 2 35
表 4.9 訪談回覆 3 37
表 4.10 訪談回覆 4 40
表 4.11 訪談回覆 5 42
表 4.12 訪談回覆 6 44
表 4.13 訪談回覆 7 46
表 4.14 訪談回覆 8 48
表 4.15 訪談回覆 9 50
表 4.16 交叉分析 53
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