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論文名稱 Title |
探討賦權領導對越南資訊服務業擁護行為之影響:以對領導信任與自我效能為中介 Effect Of Empowering Leadership On Championing Behavior In Vietnamese It Service Sector:The Mediation Of Trust In Leader And Self-Efficacy |
系所名稱 Department |
畢業學年期 Year, semester |
語文別 Language |
學位類別 Degree |
頁數 Number of pages |
77 |
研究生 Author |
指導教授 Advisor |
召集委員 Convenor |
口試委員 Advisory Committee |
口試日期 Date of Exam |
2023-06-19 |
繳交日期 Date of Submission |
2023-06-27 |
關鍵字 Keywords |
權型之領導、擁護行為、領導之信任、自我能力、越南資訊服務業 Empowering leadership, Championing behavior, Trust in leader, Self-efficacy, Vietnamese IT Service Sector |
統計 Statistics |
本論文已被瀏覽 207 次,被下載 3 次 The thesis/dissertation has been browsed 207 times, has been downloaded 3 times. |
中文摘要 |
該研究填補了授權領導力(EL)和員工擁護行為(CB)研究的空白。 本研究以社會認知理論為基礎,分析了 EL 如何影響信息技術 (IT) 服務部門的 CB。 該論文認為,EL 和 CB 之間的關係是由對領導者的信任 (Tr) 和自我效能 (Se) 調節的。 為了檢驗假設,使用了定量研究方法。 一份基於現有量表的在線問卷被方便地分發給符合條件的參與者。 超過 230 名受訪者參與了這項研究。 隨後在 IBM SPSS Statistics 版本 28 中使用 Hayes Process Macro for Dual Mediation Analysis 處理和分析數據。 這項研究從經驗上證明,在 IT 服務部門的環境中,EL 與 CB 正相關。 Tr 和 Se 部分介導了 EL 如何確定 CB。 這意味著從 EL 到 CB 的一部分效果是通過 Tr 和 Se 傳遞的。 性別和工作類型(IT/非 IT)是對模型有顯著影響的控制變量。 這項研究通過將 EL 和 CB 聯繫起來為文獻做出貢獻。 它闡明了 EL 如何通過 Tr 和 Se 作為調節劑來改善 CB。 關鍵詞:賦予領導力、支持行為、對領導者的信任、自我效能、越南資訊服務業。 *This is the translation by Google Translate. My Chinese is not good enough. Thanks for understanding! |
Abstract |
The study fills the gap in research on empowering leadership (EL) and employees’ championing behavior (CB). Using social cognitive theory as a foundation, this study analyzes how EL influences CB in the Information Technology (IT) Service sector. The paper argues that the relationship between EL and CB is mediated by trust in leader (Tr) and self-efficacy (Se). To test the hypotheses, quantitative research methodology was utilized. An online questionnaire built on existing scales were conveniently distributed to eligible participants. More than 230 respondents participated in this study. The data was subsequently processed and analyzed by using Hayes Process Macro for Dual Mediation Analysis in IBM SPSS Statistics version 28. This study empirically demonstrated that EL was positively related to CB in the setting of IT service sector. Tr and Se partially mediated how CB was determined by EL. It means a part of effect from EL to CB is transmitted through Tr and Se. Sex and job type (IT/non-IT) are control variables that impact significantly on the model. This study contributes to the literature by linking EL and CB. It clarifies how EL can improve CB via Tr and Se as moderators. Keywords: Empowering leadership, Championing behavior, Trust in leader, Self-efficacy, Vietnamese IT service sector. |
目次 Table of Contents |
CONTENTS THESIS VALIDATION LETTER i 摘要 ii ABSTRACT iii TABLE OF FIGURES vi TABLE OF TABLES vii CHAPTER 1: INTRODUCTION 1 1.1 Research background 1 1.2 Theoretical framework and Research questions 4 1.3 Outline of the study 5 CHAPTER 2: LITERATURE REVIEW AND HYPOTHESES DEVELOPMENT 6 2.1 Empowering Leadership 6 2.2 Championing behavior 9 2.3 Trust in Leader 12 2.4 Self-Efficacy 15 2.5 Empowering leadership and Championing behavior 18 2.6 Self-efficacy as a mediator 20 2.7 Trust in leader as a mediator 21 CHAPTER 3: METHODS 25 3.1 Research sampling and Data Collection 25 3.2 Measurement and Questionnaire Design 26 3.3 Data analyses procedure 28 CHAPTER 4: FINDINGS 29 4.1 Descriptive Statistics 29 4.2 Reliability and Validity of the measurement 34 4.3 Hypothesis Testing 36 CHAPTER 5: CONCLUSIONS 42 5.1 Theoretical Implications 42 5.2 Practical Implications 44 5.3 Limitations and future research 46 REFERENCES 49 APPENDIX 1: MEASUREMENT SCALES 61 APPENDIX 2: QUESTIONNAIRE IN VIETNAMESE 63 |
參考文獻 References |
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