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Title page for etd-0527123-184158
How and When Health-Specific Leadership Enhances Employee Retention Intention: A Conservation of Resources Perspective
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health-specific leadership, relational energy, leader-member exchange, retention, conservation of resources theory
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過往健康型領導相關文獻表明,支持並展現健康型領導力之主管得以促進下屬健康狀態。 然而,健康型領導力的展現對員工組織中的行為之影響以及干涉健康型領導效力之因素仍有待釐清。此研究以資源保存理論,為後述討論奠立基礎,檢驗健康領導力、關係能量與員工留任意願之互動關係,並深究領導成員交換於上述結構中的調節作用。此研究資料收集來自台灣傳統製造業 (N = 88)、高科技製造業 (N = 101) 和金融服務業 (N = 17) ,共回收 206份有效問卷。研究結果發現,健康型領導透過關係能量維繫著員工留任意願的正向關係,亦表明相較於低領導成員交換,高領導成員交換對健康型領導與關係能量之正向關係及健康型領導-關係能量-員工留任意願,其間接效果,皆具有較強之調節作用。研究結果顯示,健康型領導藉由維持具有豐富資源之環境及人際互動,進而擢升員工的能量輸入,該行為削減工作壓力針對個人資源的威脅性,進而防止組織失去員工,乃企業最關鍵之驅動力和資源。最後,結論乃針對健康型領導於組織之影響與干擾健康型領導有效性之人際因素深入洞察為後文提供未來研究方向展望。
Previous literature supported that leaders performing health-specific leadership can foster follower’s wellbeing. Yet, the impacts of health-specific leadership (HLS) on follower’s organizational behavior as well as the factors influencing the effectiveness of such leadership are merely discussed. Drawing upon conservation of resources theory, present literature assess the relation among health-specific leadership, relational energy, and employee retention, while also exploring the moderating function of leader-member exchange (LMX) within above construct. Our data collection was retrieved from 206 participants employed in traditional manufacturing industry (N = 88), high-tech manufacturing industry (N = 101), and financial service industry (N = 17) in Taiwan. Our research showed that the positive relation between HLS and retention intention are mediated by relational energy; also present that the moderating effect of high LMX on the relationship of HLS-relational energy-retention intention is positive compared to low LMX. Overall, our findings demonstrate that health-specific leadership maintains a resourceful environment and interpersonal interactions, which promotes the sense of resourcefulness of an employee. Such actions mitigate the likelihood of job stressors threatening the resource pool of an individual hence prevent an organization from losing their employees, the most critical driver and resource of a business. On the whole, our study contribute to healthy leadership literature through specifying the work-related influence of health-specific leadership and discovered interpersonal conditions moderating the effectiveness of health-specific leaders.
目次 Table of Contents
i Verification Letter from the Oral Examination Committee
ii Chinese Abstract
iii English Abstract
iv Table of Contents
vi Table of Figures
vii Table of Tables
1 Introduction
5 Literature Review
5 Health-Specific Leadership
6 Health-Specific Leadership and COR Theory
8 Health-Specific Leadership and Relational Energy
9 Relational Energy and Retention Intention
10 The Mediating Role of Relational Energy
12 The Moderating Role of Leader-Member Exchange
14 Moderated Mediation Model
15 Method
15 Participant and Procedure
16 Measures
17 Health-Specific Leadership
17 Leader-Member Exchange
17 Relational Energy
18 Retention Intention
18 Analytic Strategy
18 Result
18 Construct Validity
22 Descriptive Statistics
22 Hypotheses Testing
26 Discussion
28 Theoretical Implication
30 Practical Implication
31 Limitations and future research
34 References
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