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博碩士論文 etd-0612123-013909 詳細資訊
Title page for etd-0612123-013909
雇主網路口碑對Z世代求職意願之影響: 探討組織吸引力的中介效應與社交媒體網路口碑之調節效應
The Influence of Electronic Word-of-Mouth on Generation Z's Job Pursuit Intention: Exploring the Mediating Effect of Organization Attractiveness and Moderating Effects of Electronic Word-of-Mouth from Social Media
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Advisory Committee
Date of Exam
Date of Submission
雇主品牌、知識程度、電子口碑、組織吸引力、求職意願、Z 世代、社交媒 體
Employer Branding, Perceived Expertise, Electronic Word-of-Mouth, Organization Attractiveness, Job Pursuit Intention, Generation Z, Social Media
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The thesis/dissertation has been browsed 229 times, has been downloaded 7 times.
這項研究探討了電子口碑的知識程度對 Z 世代求職者對組織吸引力和求職意願的影響。此研究檢驗了組織吸引力在知識程度與求職意願之間的中介效應,以及社交媒體上的電子口碑與僱主評論網站或兩者結合的來源在調節效應方面的作用。我們使用 SPSS 28 版本測試假設,並呈現研究結果與過去文獻和理論的關聯性。研究結果顯示可信度和信任度對影響 Z 世代的求職意願和組織吸引力有顯著作用。雖然在電子口碑的知識程度高情況下,社交媒體上的電子口碑對 Z 世代的求職意願具有更顯著的調節效應;但與其他來源相比,此調解效應對組織吸引力的影響力並不大。此研究結果有助於更好地理解 Z 世代如何參與電子口碑並做出與工作相關的決策。相關討論以及理論貢獻和管理意義、研究的局限性以及未來研究的建議將在最後進行討論。
This study explores how Generation Z job searchers' organization attractiveness and job pursuit intentions (JPI) are affected by perceived expertise of electronic word-of-mouth (eWOM). The study examines the mediating effects of organization attractiveness on the link between perceived expertise and JPI, as well as the moderating effects of eWOM from social media in comparison to employer review websites or the combination of both sources. Statistical analysis (SPSS version 28) was used to test hypotheses, and the results are presented in relation to earlier literature and theoretical frameworks. The findings emphasize the role of credibility and trustworthiness in influencing Generation Z’s JPI and organization attractiveness. While eWOM from social media has a greater moderating effect on Generation Z’s JPI when the perceived expertise of eWOM is high, it does not have a stronger impact on organization attractiveness compared to other sources. These insights contribute to a better understanding of how Generation Z engages with eWOM and make job-related decisions. In addition, based on the results of the study, the theoretical and managerial implications, limitations of this research, and suggestions for future studies will also be discussed in the later part of this paper.
目次 Table of Contents
Thesis Validation Letter i
中文摘要 ii
Abstract iii
Chapter 1. Introduction 1
1.1 Research Background 1
1.2 Research Gap 3
1.3 Scope and Focus 4
Chapter 2. Literature Review 5
2.1 Employer Branding on Generation Z 5
2.2 Organization Attractiveness on Generation Z 7
2.3 Introduction to the Impact of eWOM on Recruitment 9
2.4 Recruitment of Generation Z through the Elaboration Likelihood Model Framework 10
2.5 Impact of Social Media on the Recruitment of Generation Z 12
2.6 Research Model 15
Chapter 3. Methods 17
3.1 Design and Procedures 17
3.2 Research Sample and Data Collection 19
3.3 Questions and Measurement Scales 20
Chapter 4. Data Analysis and Result 22
4.1 Description of Respondents’ Profile 22
4.2 Measurement Model Evaluation 24
4.3 Hypotheses Testing 28
4.4 Discussion 32
Chapter 5. Conclusion 38
5.1 Theoretical and Managerial Implication 40
5.2 Limitation and Future Research 41
References 43
Appendix 50

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