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Title page for etd-0612123-213814
企業內部雇主品牌對員工離職意願的影響 -以轉換型領導風格為調節變項
The relationship between Internal Employer Branding and Employees’ Turnover Intention: Moderator of Transformational Leadership Style
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Employer Branding, Internal Employer Branding, Turnover Intentions, Transformational Leadership Style, IT industry
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人才留任是每個企業都需面對的重要議題。 然而,如何在有限預算和資源的情況下對組織投資至關重要。 因此,本研究旨在調查內部雇主品牌因素,如 1. 健康的工作和氛圍 2. 培訓和發展 3. 工作與生活的平衡 4. 道德和企業社會責任 5. 薪酬和福利與員工的離職意向之間的關係。 此外,我們也檢驗了轉換型領導風格的調節作用。 我們對台灣科技與通訊產業的172位從業人員使用SPSS進行分析。結果顯示,健康的工作氛圍和薪酬福利對員工離職意向擁有顯著且負向的影響而其他三個因素則無顯著影響。 此外,轉換型領導的調節作用在此研究並未獲得支持。相關理論和實際管理意涵以及未來研究建議將在最後進行討論。

Retaining talents is a vital issue that every business needs to cope with. However, it is critical to understand how to invest in an organization with a constrained budget and resources. As a result, this study aims to investigate the relationship between internal employer branding 1. Healthy work and atmosphere. 2. Training and Development. 3. Work-life balance. 4. Ethics and corporate social responsibility. 5. Compensation and benefits and employees’ turnover intentions. What’s more, we also test the moderating effect of transformational leadership. There are 172 valid data from employees in the Taiwanese IT industry, and we use SPSS statistical software to test the direct and indirect relationships. According to the result, a healthy work atmosphere and compensation and benefits are the two internal employer branding factors that have significant and negative effects on employees’ turnover intentions while the other three factors have no significant effect. However, the moderating effect of transformational leadership was not supported. Further theoretical and managerial implications as well as research limitations will be discussed for future studies.
目次 Table of Contents
論⽂審定書..................................................................................................................... i
中文摘要........................................................................................................................ ii
Abstract ........................................................................................................................ iii
Chapter I. INTRODUCTION ........................................................................................ 1
Chapter II. LITERATURE REVIEW ............................................................................ 6
2.1 Internal employer branding and intention to turnover ...................................................... 6
2.2 The moderating effect of transformational leadership ................................................... 13
Chapter III. RESEARCH METHOD ........................................................................... 16
3.1 Research Framework ...................................................................................................... 16
3.2 Research Design ............................................................................................................. 17
3.3 Research sample and data collection .............................................................................. 17
3.2 Survey items and measurement scales ........................................................................... 17
3.3.1 Independent variable: Internal Employer Branding .................................................... 18
3.3.2 Moderating Variable: Transformational leadership style ............................................ 20
3.3.3 Dependent Variable: Intention to turnover .................................................................. 21
Chapter IV. DATA ANALYSIS AND RESULTS ...................................................... 23
4.1 Data Analysis ................................................................................................................. 23
4.2 Results ............................................................................................................................ 25
4.2.1 Descriptive analysis of respondents ............................................................................ 25
4.3 Reliability test ................................................................................................................. 28
4.4 Common method variance .............................................................................................. 29
4.5 Correlation analysis ........................................................................................................ 30
4.6 Hypothesis testing .......................................................................................................... 32
4.7 Moderating effect ........................................................................................................... 35
Chapter V. CONCLUSION ......................................................................................... 38
5.1 Findings .......................................................................................................................... 38
5.2 Theoretical contributions ................................................................................................ 39
5.3 Managerial implications ................................................................................................. 40
5.4 Limitations ...................................................................................................................... 41
REFERENCES ............................................................................................................ 43

Figure 1.1 Research Framework…………………………………...……………….16

Table 3.1 Measurements of Internal Employer Branding…………………………...19
Table 3.2 Measurements of Transformational Leadership…………...…………...…21
Table 3.3 Measurements of Turnover Intention…………………………...……...…21
Table 4.1 Respondents’ profile…………………………………………….……...…27
Table 4.2. Reliability of measurement………………………….………………....…29
Table 4.4. Results of correlation analysis……….………………………………...…31
Table 4.5. Results of hierarchical regression analysis…………….……………....…36
Table 4.6. Results of hypothesis testing…………….………….………….…....…...37
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