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博碩士論文 etd-0626123-123502 詳細資訊
Title page for etd-0626123-123502
Data Augmentation by Prompt Tuning on Natural Language Understanding Task
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Entity Extraction, Intent Classification, Data Augmentation, Natural Language Understanding, Prompt tuning
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我們基於 PromDA (Wang & Xu, 2022) 提出了多任務的生成架構。藉由整合意圖分類以及實體辨識兩個任務,使生成的資料能夠用於多任務的訓練,並用以證明此類整合可以提升兩個任務的準確度。
With the advancement of natural language technology, many customer service systems now employ chatbots to assist users in obtaining information or providing services. Chatbots can be divided into two main modules: natural language understanding (NLU) modules, which extract information from user inputs, and dialogue flow control modules. The NLU task includes entity recognition and intent classification. Training natural language models requires a large amount of data, but the available training data is often limited. In such cases, data augmentation techniques are employed to generate additional data.

In this study, we leverage pre-trained language models and further train them to generate data in the target domain. The generated data is then enhanced by a classifier filtering process to improve its quality. Finally, the filtered data is used to train the classifier.

Building upon PromDA (Wang et al., 2022), we proposes a multi-task generation framework. By integrating intent classification and entity recognition tasks, the generated data can be used for multi-task training, and it demonstrates that such integration can enhance the accuracy of both tasks.

目次 Table of Contents
審定書 i
摘要 ii
Abstract iii
目錄 iv
圖目錄 v
表目錄 vi
1. Introduction 1
2. Related Work 5
2.1 Few-shot Learning 5
2.2 Prompt Tuning 5
2.2.1 Discrete Prompt 6
2.2.2 Continuous Prompt 7
2.3 Data Augmentation 9
2.3.1 Ruled-based 9
2.3.2 Interpolation 9
2.3.3 Model-based 10
2.4 Pre-train Language Model 10
2.4.1 T5 10
2.4.2 BERT 11
2.4.3 GPT and ChatGPT 12
3. Method 15
3.1 Prompt-based Generator 17
3.2 Pre-train for Prompt Initialization 17
3.3 Finetune Generator 18
3.4 Generative DA 21
3.5 Consistency Filtering 24
3.6 Finetune Classifier 25
4. Experiments 27
4.1 Experiment Settings 27
4.2 Result 30
4.3 Discussion 32
4.3.1 Slot Type 32
4.3.2 LLM as Generator 35
5. Conclusion 37
Reference 38
Appendix 43
A. Performance summary 43
B. Prompt with LLM 44
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