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博碩士論文 etd-0704123-181457 詳細資訊
Title page for etd-0704123-181457
Applying Cognitive Dissonance Theory to Explore Pro-environmental Travel Behavior Changing
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Sustainable behavior, Cognitive dissonance theory, Pro-environmental travel behavior, Norm activation model, Persuasive communication, Pretest-posttest control group design experiment
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私人機動運具的盛行,已對自然和人居環境帶來諸多傷害,此現象為一種社會困境。然而,隨著環境教育法的推動與執行,民眾對於「環境保護的概念(內在認知)」應有更高程度的知悉,有望減少其私人運具的使用;然而,「私人機動運具的市占率(外在行為)」卻長年居高不下。由此觀之,民眾對於包含交通行為在內的環境行為,可能存在「知行不一」的現象。本研究以「心理平衡之於利環境行為轉變」的作用作為主要研究問題,並選定「利環境交通行為」做為研究標的。對此,本研究應用「認知失調理論」,並整合規範活化模型,將「利環境交通行為」的轉變機制模型化,藉此探討利環境心理因素(知)、利環境交通行為(行)之間的互動。為此,本研究以47名大學生作為受測者,進行一前後測控制組之「說服性溝通」實驗,即引導受測者實施以「說服他人改變環境行為」為目的之溝通,從而檢視此溝通過程對於「受測者」的「知」與「行」之影響以及「知-行關係」之互動。研究結果發現:(1)說服性溝通有助於實施者「短期」增強其利環境心理因素,包含「重要性認知」、「行為意圖」、「實行意圖」與「整體利環境心理因素」,以及在「短期」減少「汽車使用」並增加「YouBike使用」;然而,除了「重要性認知」,其餘實驗效果在「長期」上卻顯著消退; (2)受到消弭知行不一的「心理平衡」機制之影響, 說服性溝通實施者在「長期」上降低利環境心理因素,調適知行之間在「短期」上擴大的差距;(3)在利環境交通行為轉變過程中 ,可能存有外部干擾,抑制實施者在「長期」上利環境交通行為的轉變。基於上述研究結果,本研究提出別於既往的政策介入構想:先行「心理策略」,提升對於利環境交通行為的正面態度;而後導入「結構策略」,降低外在條件對利環境交通行為之阻礙,以促成利環境交通行為的轉變與長期實踐 。
The prevalence of private transportation has caused much damage to the natural and human environment, and this phenomenon is a social dilemma. However, with the implementation of the Environmental Education Act, people should be more aware of environmental protection. As a result, the use of private transportation is expected to be reduced, while it has remained high for many years. Namely, there may be conflict between the people’s cognition and behavior regarding environmental behaviors including travel behaviors. In this study, the role of psychological balance in environmental behavior change was the main research question, and pro-environmental travel behavior was selected as the case. Thus, we applied the cognitive dissonance theory with the integration of the norm activation model to model the mechanism of change in pro-environmental travel behavior to explore the interaction between pro-environmental psychological factors (cognition) and pro-environmental travel behavior (behavior). Therefore, 47 university students were selected as the subjects in a pre-test post-test control group design experiment of persuasive communication; that is, the subjects were guided to implement the communication with the purpose of persuading others to change environmental behavior, and this study thereby examined the effects of the communication process on the subjects’ cognition and behavior and the interaction of the cognition-behavior relationship. Research results indicated that (1) the persuasive communication helped implementers to enhance their pro-environmental psychological factors in the short term, including awareness of consequence, implementation intention, behavioral intention, and the overall environmental psychological factors, as well as to reduce car use and increase YouBike use; however, except for awareness of consequence, the other experimental effects faded significantly in the long term; (2) with the influence of the psychological balance mechanism of eliminating the conflict between cognition and behavior, persuasive communication implementers reduced pro-environmental psychological factors in the long term to mitigate the short-term amplified conflict; (3) external interferences might emerge in the process of pro-environmental travel behavior change, such that the implementers’ long-term change in pro-environmental travel behavior was inhibited. Based on the findings, this study proposed a new policy intervention idea of first introducing psychological strategies to promote positive attitudes toward pro-environmental travel behavior, followed by structural strategies to reduce external barriers to the behavior to facilitate change in and the long-term practice of pro-environmental travel behavior.
目次 Table of Contents
論文審定書 i
謝誌 ii
中文摘要 iii
英文摘要 iv
目錄 v
圖次 vi
表次 vii
第一章緒論 1
第一節研究背景與動機 1
第二節研究問題 3
第三節研究目的 4
第四節研究重要性 4
第五節研究流程 4
第二章文獻回顧 6
第一節利環境行為 6
第二節說服性溝通 8
第三節認知失調理論 10
第三章研究設計與實施 14
第一節研究架構與假說 14
第二節研究方法 16
第三節研究實施 19
第四章研究結果 24
第一節信度分析 24
第二節敘述性統計 24
第三節說服性溝通實驗之短期效果 29
第四節說服性溝通實驗之長期效果 45
第五節知行差距與負面情緒反應之關聯性 66
第五章結論與建議 70
第一節研究結論 70
第二節政策意涵 75
第三節研究限制與建議 77
參考文獻 79
意見回覆表 85
附錄一 研究問卷 89
附錄二 研究知情同意書 94

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