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論文名稱 Title |
運動與炫耀性消費:當分享運動相關貼文分享變成引起羨慕與 嫉妒的暗示 Conspicuous Consumption of Exercise: When Sports-related Posts Sharing Becomes a Cue Evoking Envy and Jealous |
系所名稱 Department |
畢業學年期 Year, semester |
語文別 Language |
學位類別 Degree |
頁數 Number of pages |
66 |
研究生 Author |
指導教授 Advisor |
召集委員 Convenor |
口試委員 Advisory Committee |
口試日期 Date of Exam |
2023-05-31 |
繳交日期 Date of Submission |
2023-08-21 |
關鍵字 Keywords |
地位、社交軟體平台、羨慕、運動相關貼文、炫耀性消費 Envy, Sports-related Posts, Conspicuous Consumption, Social Media Platform, Status |
統計 Statistics |
本論文已被瀏覽 246 次,被下載 0 次 The thesis/dissertation has been browsed 246 times, has been downloaded 0 times. |
中文摘要 |
比起傳統的炫耀性消費通常圍繞著展示奢侈購買或奢華體驗,本研究探討了一種新穎的炫耀性消費形式。具體而言,本研究為在社交媒體平台上分享與體育相關的貼文的現象,而這在傳統上並未被歸類為炫耀性消費。通過進行定性研究和實驗研究,這篇論文揭示了分享這些貼文如何演變成一種新的炫耀性消費。 我們提出,分享與體育相關的貼文與感知的嫉妒之間的是受到推測個體毅力和地位來調節的;此外,在貼文中展示運動成效表現的追蹤時,這種效果很可能會增強。在貼文中包含運動成效表現追踪數據可以增強觀眾對毅力的推斷,從而影響他們對被感知地位的推斷。 這些研究的發現表明,分享與體育相關的帖子確實可以作為提升社會地位和增強毅力的暗示,並藉此引發起貼文受眾的嫉妒。本研究對於體育品牌具有重要意義,暗示了潛在的增長和發展領域,如創造績效追蹤應用程序。此外,這些發現提供了有價值的見解,可以指導未來體育相關行業的發展方向。通過揭示這種微妙但有影響力的炫耀性消費形式,這項研究為更深入地理解社交媒體和地位展示領域中的動態做出了貢獻。 |
Abstract |
Moving beyond the realm of conventional conspicuous consumption, which often revolves around showcasing luxury purchases or extravagant experiences, this study delves into a novel form of conspicuous consumption. Specifically, it explores the phenomenon of sharing sports-related posts on social media platforms, which was not traditionally classified as a luxury experience. Through conducting a qualitative study and experimental research, the thesis sheds light on how sharing such posts has evolved into a new avenue of conspicuous consumption. We propose that the connection between sharing sports-related posts and perceived envy is mediated by the inference of one's persistence and status; furthermore, this effect is likely to be heightened when performance tracking is showcased within the post. The inclusion of performance tracking numbers in the posts amplifies the viewer's perception of persistence, subsequently impacting the inference of their perceived status. The findings from these studies reveal that sharing sports-related posts can indeed serve as markers of elevated social status and enhanced persistence, and consequently triggers the emergence of envy feelings from the audience of these posts. Those insights have significant implications for sports brands, suggesting potential areas of growth and development, such as the creation of performance tracking applications. Moreover, these findings provide valuable insights that can guide the future trajectory of the sports-related industries. By uncovering this subtle yet impactful form of conspicuous consumption, the research contributes to a deeper understanding of the dynamics at play in the realm of social media and status projection. |
目次 Table of Contents |
Thesis Validation Letter i Abstract (Chinese) ii Abstract (English) iii Table of Content v List of Figures vi List of Tables vii Chapter 1 Introduction 1 Chapter 2 Conceptual Background 4 2.1 Posts Sharing on Social Media Platform 4 2.2 Conspicuous Consumption 6 2.3 Envy 13 Chapter 3 Theoretical Framework 14 Chapter 4 Study 1: Fundamentally Understanding of the Sports-related Posts Sharing on Social Media and Perception of Envy from Qualitative Research Interviews 17 4.1 Interviewees 17 4.2 Section 1: the Perception of Seeing Posts They Thought As Conspicuous Consumption 19 4.3 Section 2: the Perception of Seeing Posts That Evokes Their Envy 24 4.4 Section 3: the Inference Status and Competence of Sports-related Posts and Traditional Conspicuous Consumption Posts 27 4.5 Section 4: Their Own Conspicuous Consumption Behavior 32 4.6 Discussion and Further Studies 36 Chapter 5 Study 2: How Sports-related Posts Could Cause Status and Competence Inference and Thus Occur an Envy Perception 37 5.1 Method 37 5.2 Results 39 Chapter 6 General Discussion 40 6.1 General Discussion 40 6.2 Implications and Future Research 42 References 44 Appendix 54 |
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