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博碩士論文 etd-0728123-224043 詳細資訊
Title page for etd-0728123-224043
Advancing Gender Bias Detection in Text: A Few-Shot Approach
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性別偏見偵測、大型語言模型、少樣本學習、提示調整、Social Bias Inference Corpus (SBIC)
Gender Bias Detection, Large Language Models, Few-Shot Learning, Prompt Tuning, Social Bias Inference Corpus (SBIC)
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隨著AI語言模型技術的快速發展,如何確保模型的公平性和減少偏見已成為一個迫切需要解決的問題。本研究提出一種新穎的用於檢測文本中性別偏見的方法,該方法結合了大型語言模型和少樣本學習技術。我們的方法主要使用OpenAI生產的GPT-3.5 Turbo模型,通過少樣本學習來進行性別偏見的自動檢測。與傳統依賴於繁瑣手工標記和專門知識的方法不同,我們的策略更為自動化、高效和可擴展。
我們還引入了提示調整(Prompt Tuning)的概念,以更精確地引導模型生成回應,從而能在更細緻的層面上分析偏見。實驗結果使用了Social Bias Inference Corpus(SBIC)資料集,證明了我們的方法在檢測不同範疇(例如目標群體和冒犯程度)的性別偏見方面具有高度的有效性。此外,我們的方法還能生成推理理由,以深入了解模型在偏見檢測過程中的行為。
We introduce a new method for detecting gender bias in text using large language models and few-shot learning, highlighting the urgent need for bias mitigation in the rapidly advancing field of AI language models.
We propose a methodology that uses GPT-3.5 Turbo produce by OpenAI's, to perform few-shot learning tasks for bias detection. Unlike traditional methods, our approach is automated, efficient, and scalable. The method incorporates the process of prompt tuning to guide the model's response generation, enabling us to investigate bias at a fine-grained level.
Experimental results, using the Social Bias Inference Corpus (SBIC) dataset, demonstrate the efficacy of our method in accurately detecting gender bias across various scopes. Our approach also allows for reason generation, providing insight into the model's bias detection process.
This work contributes to the ongoing discussions on AI fairness, opening up new avenues for researchers interested in bias detection and mitigation in AI models. Through our approach, we offer a way forward for more equitable and inclusive language models.
目次 Table of Contents
論文審定書 i
致謝 ii
摘要 iii
Abstract iv
Chapter 1 - Introduction 1
Chapter 2 - Related Work 6
2.1 Gender bias in text 6
2.2 Early Attempts 7
2.2.1 Lexicon-Based Methods for Gender Bias Detection 7
2.2.2 Emergence of Supervised Learning Models 9
2.2.3 Advancing Towards Automated Reason Generation 11
2.3 The Importance of Downstream Applications and Training Datasets 12
2.4 Large Language Models as a Solution 13
Chapter 3 - Methodology 17
3.1 Task description 17
3.2 Comprehending and Contextualizing Sentence Semantics 19
3.2.1 Sentence Deconstruction 19
3.2.2 Contextual Understanding 19
3.3 Deconstructing Gender Bias 20
3.3.1 Target Gender Group 22
3.3.2 Offensive 23
3.3.3 Subjectivity or Intent 23
3.3.4 Sentiment 23
3.3.5 Lewd 24
3.4 Prompt Design 25
3.4.1 Single Label Classification (Base Method) 25
3.4.2 Single-Pass Chain of Thought 26
3.4.3 Two-Stage Chain of Thought 30
3.5 Four Variations of Input for Gender Bias Detection 33
3.5.1 Rewrite 34
3.5.2 Self-Consistency 37
3.5.3 Four Variations: Combining Rewrite and Self-Consistency 39
Chapter 4 - Experiment 41
4.1 Dataset 41
4.2 GPT-3.5 Turbo Overview 42
4.3 Experiment Setup 43
4.4 Results 44
4.4.1 Evaluation Metrics 44
4.4.2 Single Label Classification (Base Method) 46
4.4.3 Single-Pass Chain of Thought 49
4.4.4 Two-Stage Chain of Thought 51
4.4.5 Reason Generation Results 53
4.5 Discussion 55
4.5.1 Model Outputs and Inherent Challenges 55
4.5.2 Limitations and Data Imbalance Issues 57
4.5.3 Lack of Baseline and Evaluation Challenges 58
4.5.4 Further Discussion 59
Chapter 5 - Conclusion 62
Reference 65
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